Friday, September 13, 2013

Dear Friday

Dear Friday / Weekend
– So happy to see you!  Looking forward to camping this weekend with the Fam Bam!!  Dear Kid Clammy – My oh my you say the darndest things!!  Like the other day when you reminded me to eat one pretzel at a time so I wouldn’t choke.  Thank you for that suggestion!!  Dear House Shopping – you really are not fun at all – what-so-ever!!  You are stressful, extremely frustrating, overwhelming and just a big ol’ pain in my arse!!  Dear Sissy – thank you for being so stinking cute.  You and your brother constantly put smiles on my face and I love every minute with you (can I be a stay at home mom yet?).  Dear Time – can you please stand still or at least slow down.  It is crazy and sad how fast you go and I don’t really like it.  Dear Sleep – can we come to an agreement that I need to be able to function on less of you because I have too much stuff to do?  Dear Ellen – so happy that your show is back on – you have such a big heart and I love to watch your talk show when I get a chance.  Dear Hubby – Here’s to a great weekend!! Love you and the Kiddos so much!!

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