Friday, June 29, 2012

Dear Friday

Dear Friday - so glad that we meet again!! I have missed you!! Dear Kid Clammy - we had a great time a the fair yesterday (more on that later) I love you to piece!!  Dear Hubby - great job at the fair yesterday racing - you make us so proud!!  Dear 4:30pm - can you come soon today so I can be off work and start enjoying my weekend?  Dear Weekend - looking forward to some laying low, relaxing and whatever else you may have in store for us!!  


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rock Of Ages

Tonight I got to have a date night! A date night with my bestie. We ate Rubios (yummy!) and saw Rock of Ages. Has anyone seen this? What did you think? To paraphrase the bestie...entertaining, we laughed, sang our hearts out and did a lot is thinking WTF!! But you really can't go wrong with some good ole fashioned 80's music! Some Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Poison, and so much more.  I don't know about you but I love me some 80's music!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Helllllloooooo Jellllooooo

**Meant to post last night and forgot**

Well hello Sunday evening.  I sit here a little sad and irked that I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I had such a fun weekend with the hubs and Kid Clammy - I don't want it to end.

Speaking of Kid Clammy,  I thought it would be fun to write him a little letter, just to remind him (since he won't remember) some of the silly and crazy things he has done.  This is also to help me remember – because I find that Kid Clammy is so smart he must have stolen my brain cells while I was prego since I can’t seem to remember much!!  So without further ado...

Dearest Kid Clammy,
You definitely keep us on our toes.  For instance like when you sprayed yourself in the eye with the hairspray while I was in the shower (sorry for the visual) - yeah you did that or having to make two trips to the Urgent Care all in the same week.  The fact that you say "no" in your cutest voice possible to just about EVERYTHING - even when you want to say yes – we will call this your new favorite word.  I prefer “yeah” or “Elmo”.  .  Or that now you like to say you are “scared” in a tiny little voice with your hands tucked under you chin (it is the cutest thing - trust me on that).  I love how you like to play peek-a-boo in the car and you think I can't see you when you cover your eyes.  You are absolutely priceless and so smart that you amaze us everyday we can’t wait to see what you will do next!!
Love you to the moon and stars!

A view from our bike ride

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear Friday

Hello Friday!!
Dear Work - I am happy that after today I will be off from you for two whole days.  You sure do bring some strange people and things into my life.  A bunch of weird and randomness is to be expected.  I often find myself saying "just when I thought I heard it all".  Dear Weekend - looking forward to laying low because sometimes you are too full and tend to go just way too fast.  Dear Hubby & Kid Clammy - I love you bunches - too the moon and back and then some - just sayin!!  Dear Time - can you please slow down some.  You move way to fast for my liking - and I have a feeling I am not the only one who thinks that!!  Dear Followers / Blog World - thank you for accepting me I look forward to where this journey will take me!!

Happy Friday Everyone!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Hump Day

Wow I can’t believe that it is already Wednesday.  I heard this expression the other day “the days are long but the years are short.”  At the moment when I heard it, man did it feel true.  Then as I sit here today I think wow everything feels short.  The amount of time I get to spend each day with Kid Clammy, the amount of sleep that I get, the weekends, the years.  The only thing that seems long is the time I spend at work because I am away from the kiddo.  Any how as I woke up this morning I thought wow it is Wednesday.  Crazy!!!  I hope you all have a great hump day – we are on the down hill slope to the weekend!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Hello Friday!!

Dear Friday – where have you been all week! I have been missing you terribly – but I am so glad that you are here!  Dear Kid Clammy – Boy oh boy do you keep this mama on her toesy-woesy’s!  Lets try to stay our of urgent care this week, or I will have to look into a frequent flyer card or something!  Dear Blogging / Blog – I am loving you so far, just need to get some more followers and probably some pictures up.  Dear Fathers – Especially mine, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!!  Dad – I love you very much, I am so lucky that you are my dad! God picked just right!!  Dear Weekend – I am looking forward to very little plans, maybe some rest and relaxation, and who knows what else is up your sleeve! Have a great weekend!!
My Dad & I - 2006 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Its Love

I love blogs!! I mean seriously I could literally read them ALLLL FREAKIN DAY!!!  Except I can’t.  I have this thing called a job that stands in the way.  Nuts-a-roni-macaroni!!  Anywhoooo – I have found some really awesome blogs.  There are quite a few that I enjoy checking out now and again, new ones that I keep finding, and then there are the ones where I actually look forward to their posts and love reading each one.  I guess this could be considered stalker tendencies or something – I call it loving good GREAT blogs!!  Here are a few of my favs that you have probably heard of, read, and fell in love with, but if not check ‘em out!!

Erin from Living in Yellow

Tiff from The Coffeehouse 

Leslie from A Blonde Ambition 

Christina from Carolina Charm

So go check them out!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just "BE"

Have you ever wanted to just "be"?  I have a few very dear friends, who are the type of friends that you can just sit and "be" with.  They are the friends that it is ok if there is a lull in the converstation, where you don't have to be talking every second that you are together.  These very dear friends of mine do not live close, and it is my hope that one day we can sit on a porch together, watching our kids play and just "be".  Just be friends, just be mom's, and just "be" whatever!! 

On a side note I would like to thank my first follower - check out her blog - she is AWESOME!

Monday, June 11, 2012

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


Hello Blogging World!! Welcome to my blog.  This is my very first blog and very first blog post!!  I am in fact a newbie!  I am very excited about this journey I am embarking on and hope you will join me in the fun.  I know it won’t be easy and I am sure that I will need help along the way.  Why a blog?  Well I think it would be a good release for me.  What do I plan to post about?  Family, Fun, my kiddo - who I happen to think is just darling, and whatever else comes to mind.  

I am not fashionable (hoping to be with the help of the blogging world), I can be creative (sometimes), but I love to try new things this being one of them.  I have a love for photography – though I am hoping this blog will inspire me to take more pictures.  I  hopefully will learn from myself and others as well help others!  That’s probably why I went to school to be a teacher.   
Any-whooizle sit back and enjoy the ride!!!