Dear Work - I am happy that after today I will be off from you for two whole days. You sure do bring some strange people and things into my life. A bunch of weird and randomness is to be expected. I often find myself saying "just when I thought I heard it all". Dear Weekend - looking forward to laying low because sometimes you are too full and tend to go just way too fast. Dear Hubby & Kid Clammy - I love you bunches - too the moon and back and then some - just sayin!! Dear Time - can you please slow down some. You move way to fast for my liking - and I have a feeling I am not the only one who thinks that!! Dear Followers / Blog World - thank you for accepting me I look forward to where this journey will take me!!

if only we could be off for MORE than 2 days. 2 days is just not enough.
Lay low weekends are my very favorite kind. And I like saying Kid Clammy outloud. In fact, I just did it again.
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