Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday or Friday and Thankful

I know that today is Friday I mean Wednesday but it could almost be classified as a Friday.  Its actually a little confusing really. Yes the "day" itself today is call Wednesday - so Happy Hump Day  - however since it is a holiday tomorrow (holla) and lets not forget Friday too that means a glorious FOUR whole days off of work - so technically today is my Friday!!  Great things are happening and coming this weekend of course. 

First I have gone from this ...

to this. 

This is big news since I have have pies to make.  Second there is this...Thanksgiving!! Yum-o.  So much delicious food to be consumed tomorrow and the days following.  We are spending this Thanksgiving with the Hubby's family this year.  I am bringing pies and green bean casserole.  The only two staples to a Thanksgiving dinner that really matter - you know what I am sayin?  Then there is the all so famous Black Friday Shopping.  I don't do this every year because lets face it Cyber Monday is pretty bad ass too and you don't even have to leave the comfort of you couch for that one (unless you have to go to actual work).  I will be partaking in black Friday festivities this year - so wish me luck with that.  We are also planning on spending a day or so in the desert as well as work on the house.  It is sure to be jammed packed but that's OK. 
Now a few things I am Thankful for - in no particular order.

-Friends that have become Family
-My Health
-This Blog
-Our home we are putting sweat equity into
-Peppermint Bark Balls

Just to name a few!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!  Count you Blessings!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Welcome Monday!!

Monday you should feel oh so lucky that I am but even loathing you today. While yes I have to work it's only three days. Oh that is music to my ears. This means some great things are on the horizon. For instance. 
3 days until Thanksgiving 
3-4 ish days until Black Friday Shopping. I haven't decided if I am partaking in this or just going to wait til cyber Monday. But either way Christmas shopping shall be finished. 

30 Days until Christmas

26 Days to finish shopping and don't forget wrapping this my friends is a little frightening. (I don't want to be shopping the days before)

1 day yes 1 whole day until the cast comes  off.     
At the moment this is what I am most excited about. Excited to be able to write normal again. Excited to be able to dry/straighten my hair again. Excited it won't take me five minutes to button 3 snaps on Sissy's onesie. Oh life will be so much easier. 

As for a weekend Shenans recap
Hubby worked very hard on the house. 
Plumbing and gas lines finished. Appliances purchased. Walls torn down and being rebuilt. Tile floor in the bathroom. The kids and I just did a little bit of this and that. Hope you had a great weekend!!

Sami's Shenanigans

Friday, November 22, 2013


High five for Friday

One. I managed more than one blog post this week. 

Two. Finally our my new cover on my phone. Thank you Otterbox for lifetime warranty. 

Three. More progress on the house. I know you can't tell much by the picture. This is currently the kitchen. 

Four. I have made more progress on my Christmas shopping. I have this ap called Santa's Bag. Love it!!

Five. Got this little special delivery from my dear sweet Bestie the other day. Chocolate covered strawberries and bananas!  Yum-O!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy Hump Day

Is it just me or does think week seem exceptionally long and it's not really even half way over. From grumpy co workers to lame customers to more sleepless nights I am soooo ready for Friday. On Monday I kept feeling that we should be farther along in the week. No such luck it was really only Monday!  So with that said I keep replaying the camel commercial in my head!  

Happy Hump Day!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oh Monday

So not ready for you to be here yet you come around like clock work after every Sunday!!  Well recapping the weekend...this weekend here in the good ole SD was the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3 day walk.  While I have walked and crewed a few times in years past I did something different this year. I was a walker stalker. Yep that's right a stalker I was This weekend I had a few friends walking so I went out on Saturday and Sunday to support them and other walkers.  

My parents the kids and I visited my grandpa. He is 100 years old and although he doesn't know specifically who we are he knows that he is supposed to know us. He sure does light up when he sees the kids!!

While the kids and I were gallivanting about town the hubby was working on the house. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Quiet Time

So I didn't plan on being so quiet around these parts lately but blogging one handed is really hard. Especially when that one hand is the not my dominant hand. I know that there are plenty of people who can do it but I am not one of them apparently. So hopefully I only have about a week and a half left with this. 

If all goes well. Yes that's a sock on my cast and duct tape too. The cast is super rough and snags on everything and I would hate to scratch the kiddos. And the duct tape is being used to hide the sharp edge irritating my finger. I know I can go back and have them redo it but that just seems way too much work. 

And yes I just took a picture of gas because it's been awhile since it was this cheap and yes I was blogging at the gas station. 
Happy Friday!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Well hello there!!

Coming at ya still one handed. I am trying to make the best of it however it's tough. Trying to zip mine or kid Clammy's pants. Trying to open my prescription. Blow drying hair. Yeah not so much. Even though it's been an adjustment we still managed to have some fun and be productive this weekend. Saturday we took Kid Clammy back to Legoland. Our tickets were good for a second trip within 90 days. Sissy of course went to along with a few of our friends. This time it was much less crowded and not as hot. We were able to do some of the same rides and even some new ones!  We closed the park down and had a great time. Sunday while the hubby worked on the house a bit my sister in law and I took our kiddos to have Christmas pictures done then later in the afternoon the hubs and I and my mom (thank goodness) headed to the home improvement store for stuff for the house. Several carts later we made quiet a dent in the stuff we needed. Now to start another week!!


Friday, November 8, 2013

Blogging one handed.

So I come to you with my left hand only!  I had more plans for blogging this week but over the weekend I hurt my finger. I didn't think much of it but thought I better get it checked just in case!  I originally hurt my finger on Saturday but didn't go to urgent care until Tuesday. At urgent care they took X-rays and determined I did in fact break my finger. 

I left urgent care looking like this. 

So the urgent care suggested I follow up with the orthopedic doctor. Which is what I did today. And the result of that appointment is seen below. 
So as I said blogging with one hand!  Wish me luck on all the other stuff I have to do with one hand. Eating, showering, changing diapers!!  

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Friday!!

Dear Friday – I just love saying your name.  You have so many good qualities about you – like once you are here that means two days off work and two whole entire days home with my babies.  You mean fun times on the weekend.  You mean I don’t have to answer the phone and talk to customers for two whole days!!  You most definitely put a smile on my face.

Dear Weekend – you will be spent in one of our favorite places – the desert.  Camping, dunning, dirt digging, playing, family time – yeah for you!!

Dear Desert – It’s been a while since we have seen you since you get WAY TOOOOO HOT during the summer months and we had to cut your season short this past year because of our baby girl – although we missed you she was totally worth it.  We will be seeing you in just a few hours!!

Dear Hubby – I know you are excited about the desert – it is your happy place!!  Enjoy every minute of it because life is about to get crazy busy with a home remodel on our hands.

Dear House – Welcome to the family.  We are very excited to have you and hope that our remodel goes as smoothly as possible and we get to move in before say 2092.  I kid I kid – the sooner the better!!

Dear Kiddos – I know that I tell you all the time that I love you but that is because my heart bursts with love for you both.  I cannot imagine my life without you but is a good night’s sleep too much to ask for?  Mommy is really really really tired.  Did I say really tired?  I mean tired beyond belief!  But even though I am super duper exhausted you both are what truly makes me happy (well and Daddy too!)

Dear November - How are you here already?  Time just keeps flying by faster and faster!!  I welcome you because of fall weather but can you stick around for awhile and not go by so fast?  Its funny I was saying today wow I can't believe its already November and someone said "yeah I know it was just October yesterday"   haha!! I love me a stupid joke!!

 Hope you all have a good weekend!!