I really don't like being the center of attention with that bring said...Today is my birthday. I will keep you guessing on the age! Each year it differs for how I feel about my birthday. Some years I am all ready to celebrate. Others I am more like yeah maybe next year. It has nothing to do with turning another year older or anything like that, I just really don't like all the attention on me. This year I am in the let's just skip over the birthday because I am too busy and am just not feeling it. I would much rather celebrate and make a big deal about other people's day birth than my own. Just last week I was thrilled to help my Bestie celebrate her birthday, and earlier this month oh so happy to take Kid Clammy to Lego Land to have a blast for his birthday. But my own - nah its highly over-rated. Don't get my wrong I am not turning away presents being sent my way or anything of the sorts I just don't want to make a big to do about it. So instead of celebrating my birthday let's go for a little throwback Thursday instead. Here is yours truly as a wee little munchkin!!