For today's Five on Friday - I am sharing about 5 very special mom's in our lives!!
1) First and foremost - my Mom! Without her I wouldn't be the person I am today. She has showed love and support my whole life. She loves with her whole heart, has an amazing creative side and the love she shows my children warms my heart. I could write so much more about her but for now - just know that she is AWESOME!!
2) These wonderful women below is my Grandmothers. The lovely lady in the top photo is my paternal grandmother. She coined the phrase in our family "Love You More", she taught me to bake with love. She loved being with people and her smile spread across her face so big! When Sissy smiles - I see Grandma's smile!
My Maternal Grandmother - passed away when I was young but I can still remember her welcoming anyone into her home, being so loving, playing cards with me in front of the window. She left a lasting impression forever!
3. My Sister Natalie - though we are not related by blood or even marriage this girl right here has been with me from the start. My life without her would be dull! We may not live in the same city anymore and we may not talk everyday but no matter what she is my sister! She is honest, kind, an amazing mom, friend, and sister-extraordinaire!
4. Mom - In - Law - Without her there would be no hubby!! She has this ability to talk to anyone and usually no matter where we go she runs into someone she knows. She loves her Grand kids with all her heart and they love her right back!
5. This is my "Tia" - she has been my second mom my whole life! Before she had kids of her own I had my own room at her house. I spent many weekends with her and I loved everyone! She is grounded and down to earth but full of spunk! She loves my kids as if they are her very own grandkids!

6. Ok - so I know I only said five and I don't have a picture for #6 but it goes without saying that if it wasn't for this woman's courage and heart I would not even be here today - let alone have the women mentioned above in my life. She is my birth mom. She was young and knew that putting me up for adoption was the best option. Had she not had that strength and courage I wouldn't have this wonderful life I have now. She obviously loved me very much to know that at a young age she couldn't care for me the way she wanted and with that gave me the best gift ever - my family today! So a Happy Mother's Day wish I send to her for being the best kind of mom - strong and courageous to know what was right and what was best! I hope where ever her life has taken her she is happy and I do hope one day that we can meet so I can say Thank You!
I hope you all have a Happy Mother's Day - whether you are a mom, fur mom, aunt, sister, friend - whatever it may be!