Monday, October 20, 2014

My Biggest Fear

Day 20. Your biggest fear

Good morning blog friends! Hope you all had a fan-tab-u-lous weekend.  Ours was good - busy - but good.  I have been slacking on my #blogtober posts and while I am sorry about that and I have missed it - it just wasn't in the cards for me to get posts done!  Today is a new day and here I am again trying at least!!  Today we are talking about our biggest fear.  Mine has really changed over the years.  From snakes and spiders to dying and a bunch of different things in between.  But now that I am a mom my fear has changed. My biggest fear is now the fear of out living my children.  I read all these sad stories about parents losing their kids to cancer or something else and my heart breaks.  I never want to imagine or live a life where my child is not here with us on Earth anymore.  Yes I know one day we will all get our angel wings, but I don't want that to be any time soon!!

Helene in Between Blogtober

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