About Me

I am a thirty-something wife, mother, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, and friend.  I have many names, Brandi being the first, Babe (to my hubby), Momma (to Kid Clammy), Sis, B, Bran just to name a few depending on who is looking for me.  Over all my life probably seems pretty ordinary.  I work for a doing office stuff, I am a part time hair dresser (the salon is my kitchen), I have a teaching credential but my most favorite job of all is mom and wife.  

My hubby is AWESOME!! He is handsome, goofy, and one talented man!  He builds those things to the left pretty cool right?!?  We have been married for 5-1/2 years and though we have had our tough times the good so outweigh them.  We make each other laugh with the weird and crazy things we say and through it all he is the one I want by my side!  

Our son Kid Clammy (nick name by our nephew) was born in September of 2010 and wow what a way to complete a family!!  He is a ball of fire I tell ya! He is constantly on the go – from the time he wakes up till the time he goes to sleep.  He is a daredevil and fearless, loving, and so stinkin’ cute!! I just wish I could bottle even 1/8 of his energy for me!! 

We are very blessed with an amazing and loving family who support us like no other!!  I am sure you will hear about them every now and again!!

I have decided to start this blog as a way to put myself out there, step out of my box and do something different.  I hope it is a way to keep our family updated on our lives and on goings as well as meet some really cool new people.  I have been reading blogs for awhile and I got to tell you - some of you are pretty freaking awesome and crazy, and I LOVE IT!!! 

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