Monday, October 27, 2014

A Letter to your Younger Self

Dear 10 year old self - Don't be in such a hurry to grow up.  Enjoy life!!  Being a grown up is highly over rated.

Dear 18 year old self - Let loose a little!!  Good job on ignoring the high school drama but you don't have to be so caught up in that older boyfriend.  Enjoy high school as much as you can - don't be so afraid of your mom - she acts tough but will always love you no matter what!   Be better about your money - no credit cards - Save / Save / Save!!

Dear 21 year old self - Keep living it up!! Now is the time to do it!!  Get rid of those credit cards and keep Saving Saving Saving!! Learn to be better with your money!!  For the love of Pete - finish your teaching credential RIGHT AWAY!!  You can go to beauty school later!!

Dear 30 year old self - Don't be so afraid of change.  Do big things - make big things happen - don't let fear and self doubt stand in your way!!  GET IT DONE!!

Helene in Between Blogtober

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