Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Good Intentions

Good Intentions...I have them, I want to follow through on them, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
  • Sometimes I plan on calling that friend I haven't talked to in a long time, but time slips away and we don't call.  Other times I do call and am so happy that I did because it was the best convo I had in a long time.   
  • Sometimes I plan on having a great eating day - them temptation sets in and oops there goes that intention out the window and I fall off the wagon so to speak.
  • Sometimes I plan on cleaning the house, but the kids are calling wanting you to play with them and that sounds much better than cleaning.

  • Sometimes I plan on blogging everyday, every other, once a week, whatever the case may be and sometimes well life just gets in the way and I don't.  Sometimes I get so excited if I get a post in...hopefully more will come soon!!
I have had good intentions for all of these things and so much more, and busy life, obligations, diaper changes, dinner fixing, laundry, cleaning, work all of it gets in the way. 

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