Thursday, August 14, 2014

Half Day...

Today is a half day at work today!  Yeah for me!  Why you might ask because this afternoon we are leaving on a mom's weekend away!  Seven of my girlfriends and I are heading to Palm Springs and leaving the Daddy's home to care for our kiddos (OH BOY!).  I cried this morning when I dropped off the kiddos with my parents for the day.  I am such a sissy! I know this will be a good trip for me and this Momma needs to rest and relax but it is still hard leaving my babies.  So in that case you will have to excuse the lack of substance today (not to mention I am pretty sure I am not making any sense) but I am watching the clock like a mad woman waiting for noon to get here!

So here's to a drink or two or twenty and a relaxing weekend away!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Enjoy your Momma time!!!