Thursday, July 24, 2014

An Ode to the 80's

July 24th: Throwback Thursday - Breakout the baby pictures and start looking up how much a gallon of gas used to cost. We want to know what the world was like the year you were born.

I am a little late to the party today - but better late than never!!

Oh the 80's! 1980 was a great year!  Why you ask - because I was born!! September 26th to be even more specific! (don't forget to mark your calendars to send gifts - ha!) Not only was 1980 a fantastic year but the 80's were a awesome decade.  From side pony tails, crimped hair, some rocking music - you know all that awesome, tubular, bitchen stuff (or maybe you don't!).

Some fun facts about 1980 specifically...

*Gas price average was $1.25 
 *Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back was released and was the highest grossing movie of the year. 
*The first 24 hour news channel Cable News Network (CNN) is launched
*The album Back in Black is released by the Australian band AC/DC.
*Ryan Gosling was born this year

What was even better about that year is December 5th.  This is a very special day - kind of like a second birthday for my parents and I.  See here's the deal...way back when a guy and a girl got together and the girl got pregnant.  She was young, too young to be able to care for a baby so she moved to San Diego while pregnant and decided to put this baby up for adoption when she was born.  While waiting for the perfect parents this little baby spent 10 weeks in with a wonderful woman who fostered lots and lots of kiddos over the years.  Pretty soon an amazing couple got a call..."We have a baby".  They had no idea if this baby was a boy, a girl, a toddler, an infant nothing.  They went to meet this baby  a 10 week old baby girl.  They met her and fell in instant love but were told to "go home and think about it".  SAY WHAT?!?!?  They took that as a - we need to go buy all things baby girl NOW!
They kept the baby girl a secret for the time being.
The next day they went back and picked up precious baby girl and now it was time to share the great news!  The next stop the grandparents house.  They just show up holding a little baby girl.
She was welcomed to the family with open arms (expect for mom was afraid to hold her first) and baby girl loved them back!  She was a very lucky little baby!

We are a very lucky family to be together!! I don't know where I would be with out these two amazing parents!  Not to mentioned the strength and courage my birth mom had to know that adoption would provide a better life for me!!


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