I love birthdays!! I think birthday's should be celebrated multiple times in the month! September was my birthday month as well as Kid Clammy and it did not disappoint!! We started the month off celebrating Kid Clammy!! We had a party at the local bike racing track and to say it was a hit is an understatement! Family and Friends came to ride, eat and play - everyone had the best time!
To keep the celebrations going for Kid, we went to mini golf with Sissy and Grammy, bowling with just Sissy and I and breakfast at our favorite place Eastbound! The night of his actual birthday we let him pick what he wanted - Kid Clammy picked dinner at Black Angus!
It was a great month! We saw Jason Aldeen in concert, my birthday was packed with many birthday wishes - on facebook, instagram, text, calls and cards.
One thing my bestie started last year and I copied her idea once again is starting a donation fund!! We are at the age where we don't need people to buy us gifts - sure they are nice - but why not put some of that money toward a charitable foundation. One that is near and dear to our hearts is Team Parker For Life. So on my FB I raised $200 the week of my birthday for this great cause!!
Hubby took me to the steakhouse at one of our local casinos - yummy!! I think I was in a food coma for two days recovering from my birthday!
I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked -but you get the idea!! It was a good month of birthday celebrations!!
How do you like to celebrate your birthday?