Monday, June 30, 2014

J & J

My title seemed so long - June / July Goals and  a Little Summer Bucket List - so I shortened it!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!  Happy Monday (#saidnooneever)

Getting right to the point today...

June Goals Updated

Get our life in order...

**Make sure all car registrations are in both names

**Update our will and family trust

**Work on boxes outside - transfer to plastic tubs, organize, get rid of stuff - yeah I kind of pushed this one to the back burner because it just doesn't sound fun at all - plus it's hot!

**Empty Shed at Mom & Dads - this may be a stretch but we will see what happens - Yeah didn't even come close on this one - but in my defense I was planning their surprise anniversary party!

**Continue working on me -building a Beachbody business, budgeting, weight loss, being happy, etc.  I know this is ongoing, but I can always use a reminder. 

July Goals

Particiapate in the "Blog Everyday in July" with Juliette and her friends!

Save More Money - Last month I dipped into the savings more than I would've liked - I blame the anniversary party (more on that later) - anyhow time to put that money away plus more!

Cut Back - I tend to be the spender rather than the saver - so its time to change my ways.  I really need to get better about not over spending, trying to save whenever possible - etc!

Enjoy Summer - takes the kids for lots of fun free stuff and enjoy the sunshine!

Continue working on me -building a Beachbody business, budgeting, weight loss, being happy, etc.  I know this is ongoing, but I can always use a reminder

Empty Shed at Mom & Dads - this may be a stretch but we will see what happens

Work on boxes outside - transfer to plastic tubs, organize, get rid of stuff
(these last two are big if's but it doesn't hurt to put them on the list)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Five on Friday

Showing up late to the party today - but wanted to link up before the ladies take a much needed summer vacation from the link up!

1. It's Friday - it was a busy week so here is some pure cuteness for you!  I mean this girl - I can't help but smile whenever I see her!

2. Yesterday the hubby raced at our local yearly fair.  He partipated in the Beach Buggy event.  He finished 4th overall but we had a great day at the fair to boot!

3. This is one of my other favorite faces!  This boy has my heart and knows how to make a momma feel loved!

4. After the fair - Sissy and I made a mad dash to downtown with my dad for a special public celebration / memorial for a San Diego Icon - Padre Tony Gwynn!  He was an incredible baseball player but more importantly he was a man who loved his family, his team, his fans, and San Diego.  It was an amazing tribute and I am so happy that I went!  

5. Day Drinkin' the song by Little Big Town - I am loving it and want to be doing more of it! LOL!!  Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Confession Link Up

Hello all you fabulous readers.

Today I am participating in confession link up found through the fabulous Juliette who leads me to the blog of Kathy hostess with the mostess for this link up.

So on with the "confessions"

...I love the camel commercial about Hump Day and realized today I am a little sad I have seen it in awhile so you are welcome now...

...I am finding it hard to find direction in life.  The whole should I change jobs, should I do this or that, its hard, its overwhelming, so instead I stay in the same spot in life.

...I am planning a party this weekend and just when I think I have everything together I remember one more thing (or twenty five) that I need.  Fingers crossed all goes well as it is a surprise and hoping I pull it off!

...I have over spent and over shopped this month - oops!  I blame the thought of 

...I have been eating way too much sugar lately - oh well - there's always tomorrow right?

...At the doctors this morning my blood pressure was on point - so no more meds for me!

...I am chalk full of excuses right now...I will start on Monday, or after the party!

...I am stuck in a rut in life and don't know how to get out

...I have watched Toy Story 2 three times in the last 4 days

...I enjoy a good blogging link up especially when the picture includes the hottie below!

Vodka and Soda

Monday, June 16, 2014


We as a family (the hubby, the kiddos and I) are so very lucky!! We have some amazing men in our lives! From our Fathers, Uncles, Grandfathers, Son, Father-In-Laws, Brothers, etc.

Yesterday we made the rounds to visit as many as we could. W celebrated the hubby with some homemade gifts, Mrs. Fields cookies, and a new flashlight.  Then we headed to the in-laws to celebrate the hubby's dad and uncle.  Then from there we went to see my Grandpa and then the hubby's Grandpa.  From there we headed home for some much needed R & R before dinner with my dad!  All in all it was a great day!!

To my Father In Law (he doesn't even know how to turn a computer on - so maybe one day I will share this with him) - I really couldn't have asked for a better one.  We can joke, we can be serious, we can tell each other how it is so to speak and we don't really get offended by each other. I really love the relationship that we have, and I love how much you love your son and grand kids!! You really are a special man and a hero to quite a few of us!

To My Grandfather - at 100 years of age you are still going however your mind is not the same as what it used to be.  You taught our family how to love and that the simple things matter!  We love you!

To Jesse's Grandpa - you are quite the joker and crackup.  I love how much your face lights up when you see your great grandchildren.  I find it cute that you make jokes to hide your emotions

To my father - you are an amazing dad and grandpa.  My kids worship you and there is no better feeling than that!! I get my "go with the flow" attitude and patience from you and I wouldn't have it any other way!  To see that my kids are the light in your eye is incredible! Thank you for all that you do for us! We love you more than you will ever know!  You are my hero!

To my Hubby - wow where do I begin!! Though we have had our ups and downs I never once for a second doubt your love for me or our children!  I love that you are not afraid to show emotion and love especially around us.  I didn't think I could love you more than the day we got married but realized quickly how much more I love you now that you are a Dad.  You have a kind heart and would do anything for your family!  We love you more than you will know and look forward to future together as a family.  

These are the most important father's in our family and we enjoyed celebrating them all day yesterday!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Guest Post

Hello Friends!!

I am so excited that I am guest posting for Lauren over at Peach State of Mind!  This is my second ever guest post and I am a little nervous but also excited!  Lauren has been a Mrs. for a week now and she is off honeymooning!  My guest post is about the honeymoons that my hubby and I went on back when we were newlyweds!! Hope you will stop by and check it out!!  

Happy Saturday!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

High 5 on Friday

Howdy Friends...
Linking up for a little High Five on Friday!

1.  I made these the other night for dinner thanks to Morgan.  They don't look that great but they sure were good!

2. Last Sunday we headed to a local fire station for a pancake breakfast!!

3. Green Smoothies - I am diggin' them!

4. The Game Drive is coming to a close for us - and I am so happy with our progress!! We have at least 20 games to donate!  Every one helps!

5. 2048 - Darn this game for being so addicting!! I am hooked!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A concert

So a few months back my girlfriend was talking about taking her son to see One Republic.  I was oooh, oooh, oohh, I wanna go (said in my best 3 year old voice).  So she bought three tickets.  As the concert grew closer I started to get nervous that we would still be on vacation- but as you can see it all worked out. Literally the concert was the Monday after we got home.  I do have to say in my "older more wiser" age, concerts on a week night are totally worth it  (if it is good) but so hard the next day!!  Man was I tired!! (I am sure just being home from vacation didn't help!)

Anywho, the concert consisted of American Authors (only knew one song but still good), The Script (knew two songs - also good) and One Republic (loved, loved, loved)

Love the photo bombers (totally deserved)
This was my view unless I leaned to the left or leaned to right or stood up. 
We had a really great time - I liked all three bands but of course One Republic was my favorite.  All three bands were really personable with the crowds, we sang, we danced and it was  fun night!!
Happy Hump Day!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mother's Day Isn't Just One Day

I know that we celebrate Mother's Day on a specific Sunday each May and it is a holiday I would never go without!  It gives me a chance to thank all the wonderful mother's in mine and my family's life that often I forget to thank throughout the year.  This year I was lucky enough to have a great Mother's Day (with the exception of an urgent care trip for Sissy), however my celebration continues everyday when I get to love, hug, watch, help, and anything else with my babies.  A week or two after Mother's Day this year I received two very special gifts.  The adorable bag my Mother in Law made for me with the kiddos hand prints and the jar with special card and notes came from Kid Clammy's preschool.  There were a few different notes inside of things that he told his teachers were special about me.  Such things were "She takes me to Home Depot" and "She gives me Oreo's".  I mean what is cuter than that?  I love the thought that went into each one of these special gifts.  I also love that these gifts came after the fact as it is a reminder that we should celebrate those special mothers in our lives more than just once a year (and on their birthdays of course).

Friday, June 6, 2014

Five on Friday

Linking up for some Five on Friday - Super Quick Vacation Recap. (full recap coming later)

1. Leaving town - for our longest road trip.  (Heading to Texas)

2. Cute kids and a crazy Zebra.  

3. Some of the most delicious food and margaritas with the best family!
4. A graduation 

5. Made it home safe and sound. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Mother's Day

Mother's Day 

We have a tradition - every year we camp and car show Mother's Day weekend.  We have been doing it for ten plus years and love it.  My parents and the hubby's parents and a bunch of our friends all camp.  Sunday morning I host a breakfast for our moms, grandmas, aunts and of course their significat others.  Its our way to show our moms and those important mother's in our lives how much we love then!  Now for some pictures...

Have to put these kids to work early cleaning those hot rods.

Mema & Sissy "Crusin"

Bestie and I 
Chow Time

Naked Baby on Beach!

This is where the crazy begins...we got home Sunday afternoon and Sissy woke up from her nap on fire.  Super high temperature.  The week before she had gotten pink eye and so I figured the ear infection was next.  So off to the urgent care we went and just as I suspected - ear infection.  Not exactly how I would've preferred to spend the rest of my Mother's Day - but the babies come first.  

This is the kiddos while waiting in the urgent care.

All in all it was a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

May & June Goals

Here we go for May!

Celebrate my Hubby - This is his birthday month and so we are celebrating twice! This was great - we went to Rodney Carrington on Friday and celebrated with family and a few friends on Sunday. 

Mother's Day - Celebrate the wonderful Mother's in our lives with our annual camping brunch. It was a great morning - then the afternoon kind of fell apart when we ended up in Urgent Car with Sissy and an ear infection.  She is all better now thank goodness!

#1800minutechallenge - do my very best to complete - or at least get over half way!!  At this rate I probably won't make it to all 1800 minutes - but this challenge has definitely gotten me off the couch more than normal so there is an upside!  Well I didn't get to all #1800 minutes but I did get 750 minutes which in my book is way better than nothing.  I loved seeing all the people participating in the challenge.  

Pray - Religion is not something that I talk about personally very often.  I have my beliefs as so many others, but I find them very personal.  I have been wanting to explore religion and a relationship with God a little more lately so this is something that I working on.  Baby steps for sure - so for now I am working on my prayers! I am rather proud of myself for this one.  I have prayed just about every night and Kid Clammy says a little, 

Repeat - Some of the above goals - ie - taking care of me (finally got a pedi), building a business etc.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - I try not to let things bother me to much - but I do need to remind myself that there are a lot of things out of my control and I just "let it go" life would be a tiny bit less stressful! I am not crossing this one off the list because while I feel I did very well with it - it's always a good reminder!!

More Unpacking - Yes I know how bad this sounds - but I still have unpacking to do.  I try to do a couple boxes a week - so hopefully I can keep up with that!! This is still a work in progress but progress has been made.  

Now for June

Get our life in order...

**Make sure all car registrations are in both names

**Update our will and family trust

**Work on boxes outside - transfer to plastic tubs, organize, get rid of stuff

**Empty Shed at Mom & Dads - this may be a stretch but we will see what happens

**Continue working on me -building a Beachbody business, budgeting, weight loss, being happy, etc.  I know this is ongoing, but I can always use a reminder.

I know this seems a little like I am preparing for dooms day - but we have lost some people in our lives recently that were taken from this earth way too soon for my liking and it just goes to show that you never know what life has in store for you.  I am making this month my goal to make sure that for goodness sakes if anything ever happens to the hubby, myself or both of us that there is no extra crap that any one has to deal with!